Pears Green Anjou
Briermere Farms OR Milk Pail
$4.25 / pound
approx. 1lb (1-6 pcs)
Approx. 1-6 pcs per pound
Conventionally grown
D’Anjou Pears are a medium-sized variety, with a slightly egg-shaped appearance. The green-skinned pears have a short, squat body and almost no neck typical of a pear. The bright green skin is often blushed with a rose flush on the side most exposed to the sun while on the tree. The flesh of the Anjou pear is bright, white and dense with a slightly sweet flavor with subtle notes of citrus. Anjou pears are very juicy when ripe. Anjou pears remain green when ripe, with only a slight change in their bright green-colored skin. Press gently against the stem end of the fruit to test for ripeness. Anjou pears ripen from the inside out; if the flesh gives slightly, the pear is ready to eat.
Our pears are from either Briermere Farms in Riverhead or the Milk Pail in Water Mill.
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